Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Registering a VASA Certificate, 

So, what we need to do is to just delete the current Tomcat certificate alias and add a new one with the same name but with a larger validity, like 9999 days.
Once we figured out the root cause, the fix was done in about 10 minutes, as follows:
1.- SSH to the vVOLAPP, uid = root, password = ca$hc0w
2.- Check the existing certficate alias in keystore:
cd /etc/tomcat7
keytool -v -list -keystore jssecacerts_vasa
Note: keystore and certificate alias password = changeit
3.- Delete it
keytool -delete -alias samplevpserver_certificate_vasa -keystore /etc/tomcat7/jssecacerts_vasa
4.- Create a new one
keytool -genkey -alias samplevpserver_certificate_vasa -keyalg RSA -validity 9999 -keystore /etc/tomcat7/jssecacerts_vasa
accept all the defaults
5.- Restart Tomcat service
service tomcat7 restart
6.- Test it
Browse to https://VASA:8443  and check the new self-signed certificate. 
We are now able to register a new Storage Provider in VCSA.